
General Information

Full Name Pau Juan-Garcia
Date of Birth 15th August 1988
Languages Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Chinese (basic)


Pau is a Doctor in Water Science and Technology and has over 8 years of experience in the water and environment sector. His background is in environmental science with a Masters’ in environmental engineering. He has been in the scientific committee of various international conferences and authored several peer reviewed publications. Currently he is a Senior Consultant in the Strategic Advisory Services (SAS) Research team in the Water Management Consultancy group at AtkinsRéalis. His areas of expertise include water quality and wastewater process modelling, resilience, data analysis, GIS and programming. He is particularly interested in operations research to support decision making in water management. Pau has acted as the Project Information Manager for various projects in AtkinsRéalis, including CIP3 where he was in charge of data storage, cleaning, processing and analysis.

Selected work experience

  • 2022 - Present
    Senior Consultant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Visiting Scientist
    Catalan Institute Water Research
  • 2015 - 2019
    Research Scientist


Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • Member of CIWEM (Chartered Institution Of Water And Environmental Management)
  • 2019
    • PhD Cum Laude
  • 2015
    • Marie Curie European ITN Fellowship

Academic and Professional Interests

  • Water Science
    • Water quality modelling
    • Data analytics
  • Software development
    • ArcGIS Pro SDK
    • Python
    • Jupyter lab
    • Automation
  • GIS and optimisation
    • ArcGIS Pro & ArcPy
    • Linear Programming

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Running, Open Source